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3. What does it take to live well?

Focusing on daily habits will help to dictate who you are, ultimately creating the conditions to live a long life.

Life's complexity can feel overwhelming. The 100to100 plan tackles this by breaking it down into manageable themse, focusing on areas with the most significant impact. One such theme is "Live Well", encompassing everything that fuels your health and lays the foundation for a long, fulfilling life.

Living well extends beyond mere survival. It's about thriving, feeling energized, and embracing life's possibilities. While mastery is a noble pursuit, it's crucial to remember that life is a multifaceted journey. We'll look at mastery separately, but for now let's focus on the daily actions that allow you to live well.

Successful habits are reinforced by immediate outcomes an your intentions are the key driving force. Since habits are independent of external factors, they define us to a large extent.

Your Habits, Your Identity

Think about it: if your habit is daily exercise, you identify as fit. If you meditate regularly, you cultivate mindfulness. Habits are what you consistently do, shaping who you are. External factors have minimal influence if we're committed to our chosen actions.

Habits and Health: A Direct Connection

Since habits are within our control and directly impact who we are, they profoundly affect our overall health. Health encompasses various aspects, but I like to break it down into two groups:

  • Physiology: This combines fitness, recovery, and nutrition, the essential building blocks for your physical vitality.

  • Psychology: This encompasses relationships and resiliance, crucial for emotional and mental well-being.

We'll delve deeper into each of these groups and their catagories in the blog. But remember, each aspect can be further broken down into 10 even smaller, actionable components.

This teaser is just the beginning. Stay tuned as we explore the "Live Well" pillar further, helping you unlock the power of habits and build a life filled with health and fulfillment within the 100to100 framework.

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